41° Congresso SIME 2020

Quest'anno il Congresso SIME sarà fruibile online tramite una piattaforma interattiva.

L'Ingegner Gori parteciperà come di consueto all'evento presentando una sua relazione, di cui anticipiamo titolo ed abstract:


A competitive dynamic landscape


During transition periods like the one we are currently facing the entrepreneurship of the Aesthetic Medicine Doctor is more critical than ever. I have identified the 5 behavioural tips for the business leader who wants to respond in the right way to the challenges we are currently facing: those principles are fully applicable to several business areas and also to the Aesthetic Medicine Environment. 1) Respond rationally to the crisis and maintain empathy with employees and clients 2) Maintaining focus on its objectives and on the corporate "mission" 3) Make decisions promptly 4) Be transparent and instil confidence in your collaborators 5)Maintain control of the present having already in mind what could come after the emergency.

Only keeping this approach the Aesthetic Medicine Doctor will succeed in anticipating new "business models" (eg increasing digitalization), innovating his organization with new tools (eg introduction of new tools such as «video calls») and allocating in a proper way the human resources according to their skills (eg assigning new tasks to the Assistant).

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© GCons S.R.L., Viale Metronio 3, 00183 Roma, C.F./P.IVA 12013691006, Capitale Sociale € 10.000,00 i.v., Iscrizione Camera di Commercio di Roma R.E.A. 1343840